Typescript #cheatsheet

So the other day I was scrolling through my youtube feed & caught this episode of The Simple Programmer titled "Best Programming Languages of 2020".

Best Programming Languages to learn for 2020

I highly urge you to watch it. But if you're ok with spoilers, John's #1 recommendation is that instead of learning a new language, master one that you use. Smart huh?

Now I know it can be a bit difficult to not invest your free time in something new .. cause you know .. #fomo .. but I decided to spend a day getting into typescript with a bit of ecmascript.

Also, with COVID and isolation, instead of going through docs & manuals, I thought it might be fun to follow along a tutorial. Even if its long. Even if it starts with the basics. No harm in #backtobasics tho!

A few searches later, I landed on this tutorial..

TypeScript tutorial by Academind

I specifically liked this one cause instead of just a means to an end of developing an app, it had some good structure. Concepts were progressively introduced & one built on the other.

So I urge you to watch the video. What I'll be doing in this post is creating a cheat-sheet to synthesize it into something that is quickly referenceable. This is no way is an alternative to watching the video & trying all the examples tho! So don't be naughty. Put in the hard work. And as I love saying ... "Give it a go. Try it dev😉!" #ShamelessPlug.

Some important points for ES6


// (var) variables can be re-declared and updated
var x = 'hello';
var x = 'world'; // no error
if(true) {
    var y = 'hey';
    console.log(x); // returns 'world'
console.log(y); // returns 'hey' beacuse of hoisting. 

// Note: Hoisting causes `var y;` to be added atop the file
// So `y` becomes globally available. 
// It is declared BUT NOT INITIALISED!


// (let) can be updated but not re-declared
let x = 'hello';
let x = 'world'; // ERROR as can't redeclare
if(true) {
    let y = 'hey';
console.log(y); // ERROR as y is scoped


// (const) cannot be updated or re-declared
const x = 'hello';
const x = 'world'; // ERROR as can't redeclare
if(true) {
    const y = 'hey there';
    x = '...'; // ERROR as can't update
console.log(y); // ERROR as y is scoped

It's all about those Types

basic types & functions

// Basic Types & Functions
const aNum: number = 1;             // number type
const aStr: string = "hello world"; // string type
const aBool: boolean = true;        // boolean type
const aDate: Date = new Date();     // object type

// Types & Functions
function doSomething(
  aNumber: number,
  aString: string,
  aBoolean: boolean,
  anOptionalParameter?: string
) {
  // ...

// Call Function
doSomething(aNum, aStr, aBool);                 // OK
doSomething(aNum, aStr, aBool, aStr);           // OK
//doSomething(aNum, aStr, aBool, aStr, aStr);   // ERROR

fun with arrays

let stringArray: string[];
//stringArray = 'a';        // ERROR: Can't initialise as string
stringArray = ['a'];        // OK
stringArray = ['a','b'];    // OK
stringArray.push('c');      // OK
//stringArray.push(1);      // ERROR: Can only push strings
console.log(stringArray);   // Expect app.js:8 (3) ["a", "b", "c"]

let mixedArray: any[];
//mixedArray.push(1);           // ERROR AT RUNTIME: array not initialised to push
mixedArray = [];                // OK
mixedArray.push(1);             // OK
mixedArray.push('a');           // OK
mixedArray.push(['a','b']);     // OK
//mixedArray.push(null);        // OK
mixedArray.push(true);          // OK: But nothing is added to the array!
console.log(mixedArray);        // Expect app.js:17 (4) [1, "a", Array(2), true]

let stringOrNumberArray: (string|number)[]; 
stringOrNumberArray = [];
stringOrNumberArray.push(1);        // OK
stringOrNumberArray.push('a');      // OK
//stringOrNumberArray.push(true);   // ERROR: must be number or string
console.log(stringOrNumberArray);   // Expect app.js:23 (2) [1, "a"]

// Dealing with tuples (aka. fixed length array)
let kvp: [number, string];
kvp = [0, 'hey'];                   // OK


// Dealing with Enums
enum Colors {
  RED = 0,

let carColor: Colors = Colors.RED;
console.log(carColor);      // Expect 0
console.log(Colors.BLUE);   // Expect 1
console.log(Colors.GREEN);  // Expect 2

enum Country {
console.log(Country.AUSTRALIA);     // Expect AU
console.log(Country.UNITED_STATES); // Expect US

any, union, literal

// Dealing with other types

// any type (meh, don't care)
let x: any;
x = 0;      // OK
x = 'a';    // OK
x = true;   // OK

// union type (can be of type a OR b)
let y: number | string;
y = 0;      // OK
y = 'a';    // OK
//y = true; // ERROR - 'true' is not assignable to type 'string | number'

// literal type (must be exactly one of these ...)
let z: 'a'| 0;
z = 0;      // OK
z = 'a';    // OK
//z = true; // ERROR - 'true' is not assignable to type 'string | number'



Some different ways of declaring them ...

// Fun with functions

// Option 1
let doSomething = function (input: string) {
    return `Do something with ${input}`;

// Option 2
doSomething = (input: string) => {
    return `Do something with ${input}`;

// Option 3
doSomething = (input: string) => `Do something with ${input}`;

// Option 4
doSomething = (input: string) : string => `Do something with ${input}`;

// Option 5
doSomething = input => `Do something with ${input}`;

Other concepts

arrays, spread operator, object destructuring

// arrays of specific types can be added
type Movie = { title: string };
let movies: Movie[] = [{ title: `Zoolander` }];
console.log(movies); // app.js:9 [{…}]

// use the spreadoperator to clone items
let addMovie = (title: string) => (movies = [...movies, { title }]);
addMovie(`Emoji Movie`); // app.js:12 (2) [{…}, {…}]

type Car = {
  make: string;
  model: string;

let myCar: Car = { make: "VW", model: "Golf" };

var { make, model } = myCar;

type v/s interface

// Custom Type Definition

// via type
type Person = {
  name: string;
  age: number;
  introductions: () => string;

// via interfaces
interface IPerson {
  name: string;
  age: number;
  introductions: () => string;

// benefit of using interface is that they're extensible
interface IEmployee extends IPerson {
  employeeId: number;

// type is not extensible
// type Student extends Person = {}; // ERROR:

// types can refer to other types/interfaces
type emp = IEmployee;

// Using types with classes
class WorkShift {
  teamLeader: emp;

  constructor(teamLeader: emp) {
    this.teamLeader = teamLeader;

var morningShift = new WorkShift({
  name: "Jake",
  age: 20,
  employeeId: 1001,
  introductions: () => `Hi there!`,

console.log(morningShift.teamLeader.name); // Expect Jake